Remembering our True Nature

All sentient beings come equipped with the innate intelligence to thrive. This capacity has been perfected through millions of years of evolution and evidence can be seen in every nuance of nature. Without needing to know how, salmon return to their birth place to spawn. Animals can sense impending danger and escape before the fire or earthquake hits. The lone leopard knows the exact moment in which to go in search for its mate.

We also share this capacity. When we are deeply present and attuned to our surroundings, our organism too is able to spontaneously react in the most appropriately way. A chain of somatic, emotional and mental processes instinctively occur, creating the momentum for the correct behavioral response. We don’t need to know what to do. We just need to have our awareness fully online (somatic, emotional as well as cognitive) to receive the necessary information so that the our organism can act for us!

It is easy to forget that we have this inherent intelligence shared by all creatures. But by simply slowing down, meeting our experiences in full presence and paying attention; we can have access to this source of wisdom. We can rely on our true nature.


To facilitate Professional Development workshops, Mindfulness classes and coaching where clarity, connection and creativity can be cultivated through mindfulness practices.

Rick DiMaio, Instructional Aide

“I was lucky enough to get introduced to mindfulness through Aiko’s workshops. She is so willing to truly listen to what I have to say - she listens to understand, not just respond. I feel that when I am working with her, she is fully engaged and committed to my understanding the concepts she is teaching! I’ve gained a better sense of living in the present, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. I’ve also started learning about my own personal motivations and goals in a metacognitive sense - I feel like I’m living my life much more deliberately than I used to do!”